
Main products: excavator ,cranes ,aerial platform ,tow load platform ,telescopic cranes

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company who created in 1992 and strart product line construc cranes all of types, tow load platform,aerial platforms,excavator-bachoe rear loader,snow plow or suv and tractor, cranes electric for marines ,all types of marine cranes,all acesories for cranes,all acessories for tow,tow load flat bed one or two deck,wood cranes,telescopic crane,little cranes for suv.establish 1992 in the market BIM MOSXOS very soon have made customers all the big companys in greece and europe off road assistance and construcion companys to such INTERSALONIKA,HELLAS SERVICE,MODIAL ASSISTANCE,INTERAMERICA,GR SERVISE,INTERPARTNER,EUROSSOS,THEMELIODOMH L.T.D, OIKODOMIKH VOLOY,KANTOGLOY L.T.D.,REPOS LTD, ans so more.with little cost but high quality the products became the best ally for the work of our customer.the company have up to 10 employees and all the europe Certification.CE, ISSO9001-2008.

Basic Information

Business TypeManufacturer
Company NameB.I.M.
Factory SizeBelow 1,000 square meters
Main MarketsNorthern Europe , Eastern Europe , Africa , Southern Europe
Main Productsexcavator ,cranes ,aerial platform ,tow load platform ,telescopic cranes
Number of Workers11 - 50 People
We Provideexcavator ,cranes ,aerial platform ,tow load platform ,telescopic cranes
Year Established1992

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